It's a dog's story revealed in the first leg of the world.

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       I have the misfortune to be cheerful as always. Just as in a dog.That must be left for Me?. And disability and could not walk. But to fully get it back to the caper. I happily go again.

Foreign news agencies reported that the Center has helped you in Colorado's Red Heeler puppies in which it was left alone in a frozen pond. I also found that the tissue is destroyed by frost. That left only the thigh. Unable to walk. This dog is very unfortunate that there seems to be a veterinarian, but then when the woman, Christy, Tom, Clinton has come to see it at the Help Center. In addition, she is looking for a dog to play with the Golden Dogs.Retreat of her world. She can get it free. She said. "I'm always looking for a dog with a disability before. I felt pity, and I know I have the knowledge and skills to provide care for them. "
After he came to less Naoki Christie. She took it to her work every day. X-rays to see how symptoms progress. The power wheelchair with the other to compensate for it can not play it like a dog the other is that sometimes it would try to use its belly plow took it to a.This is a great pity that she saw.

Eventually hopes to walk again, he's cast in a more vibrant.When Christie has been with the company about the orthopedic prostheses in Denver, Colorado, founded by Martin and Amy Krakow was reporting one couple. Previously, Martin has experience in making prosthetics for humans, but can later be applied to animals that Martin has operated on the leg so you do damage in without charge.

"Animals such as patients with greater than human endurance.It is driven. There is a built-in power. And will not give any. Kim said he would do as well. It will need to walk again, "Martin said.

After the surgery done my leg in cast in a play. A well on artificial legs and 4 above, which of course, that Christie was imbued with the dog's cheerful, she was walking again, she said, "I was very glad to see you in Kim's. Caper Running back and forth happily. You can play with other dogs in the park without having to worry anymore. I have to admit that it was a very brave dog. The surgery can get a little discouraged by the Yorkshire Post. "



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