When your dog has a problem with the bus.

     For dogs already. Some types of public transport such as trains, vans and buses. They do not allow pets to travel with a dog. But even if public transport does not prohibit a concrete example, the taxi was still not satisfied. If the passenger cabin for the dog lover as well. Some even refused to pick up the car, it is not. Because the mind does not like and easy to clean and maintain it. 

This is why most dogs. We are living in private cars. Both in personal matters. And related matters, including her beloved dog to the veterinarian. I want to play. And exercise so that the problem was. Some dogs are not familiar with passenger cars. I was not vomiting or motion sickness, some may feel uncomfortable. Due to fear and not understanding what was happening. And the dog is suffering greatly.

The drug is currently used in Dramamine for motion sickness in dogs. The drug must be taken care of a veterinarian. It is not convenient enough. It also can not resolve the problem within the mind of a dog. The problem is solved much more difficult to solve such problems, so it should be done gradually. To achieve good results with both dogs and raising themselves. By providing the following services. 

1. Train your dog in a familiar environment. The dog in the car, then talk about it. But do not start moving the car or truck in any way. It has been a great experience for the guests to keep doing this regularly for all occasions, which may take a little bit. 

2. Train the dog to be familiar with the air. The bottom of the instructions first. Then the engine. But not now. If your dog shows symptoms of anxiety. The party tried to talk to it. To keep it neat and make sure everything is normal. Who may require more time on it and make it a relaxing of tensions.

3. Train the dog to be familiar with the car while driving. When dogs are familiar with that engine. The party gradually retreated toward the back of the car. And drive back to the shop in front and then stop and compliment each other, which is what you are doing this. Make it sure. Is not an issue for it. To do this until the dog can be confident that the car is moving at a normal life.

4. The last step. When dogs travel by passenger cars. Who will have to give a compliment, both before and after every trip. In the early days of travel a short distance, then gradually add more, respectively. If you do this then. Dogs will be free from fear and impatient with the passenger cars, by default. 

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