Top 11 dogs in the history of courage.(part1)


They say dog ​​is man's best friend. Most distinctive about integrity. Whether the owner is good or bad about it, however.But the dog would not leave, but said simple addition and loyalty. Some dogs are also very brave. And contribute to the party.As well as benefit to mankind, then a lot in the past.And today, we would recommend the 11 dogs who dare to know the history. With commendable boldness of them together in..

1. Chao Global older dog to help protect the city from the plague.
    In the year 2468 the diphtheria epidemic of severe and rapid genome city states, Alaska, people in need vaccines to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens.But drugs are brought into the dock and still can not enter the city. Due to weather a severe cold in the polar north. Making the various transport disruption.
    Because of this vaccine are required to transport the sled team. But snow falling heavily, it makes "the same NARS Zen Garden, the driver can not see the slide path.He has entrusted this important mission for the dog to a Global growth this journey, which takes up to 7 days until you finally succeeded Global growth is done.Global growth of the current statue was built stands in the middle of Central Park. In New York City.

2. Bell dog Jian Malin Choice.
    Bell Jian Malin Choice is one of the four dogs herd sheep breeds Bell Jian. The dog incident that adapt well to the precipice. It is a dog that has both speed, strength and agility.
Bell Jian Malin Boys tend to be used SWAT and military units around the world. Because the dog is easy to train responsible for various duties.Including examination find drugs and explosives. Search and rescue missions, including humans.

3. Light Osaka world's first space dog. 
   You Light Mega Dog terminal Superior Mixed female out to a satellite into space by Nick Tong button 1 of the Soviet Union on 4 October 2500.Considered as the first animal to step outside the world. After being sent up into space long-line check with abnormally high pulse. But soon came back with a lower pulse. Shows that online check with stress.The system then controls the temperature of the spacecraft malfunctions cause death by Mega Light heating. And panic symptoms.
   Reports indicate that the Mega Light is only 5-7 hours after the start of vehicle emissions, but also the work of the Mega Light mankind.Because it makes people know that. We can live in conditions of weightlessness as long. After the Yuri Gagarin Russian astronauts up into space, it is the world's first.

4. A Mo Hockey small but magnanimous 
   Small to big, but my heart ... this sentence matches you send Mo Hockey without distortion. The story of Dogs Yorkshire Area NH terminal end with a strong mind.After the video Bill Lynn to find you a Mo Hockey. In Papua New Guinea jungle. And the cultured. Before it takes to join the battlefield during World War 2, you can send Mo Hockey survival in dangerous situations well.Important once you send Mo Hockey also has a life-saving V-Anne barking warned that a missile is fired from warships in their being ejected.In addition, it can also parachute at a height of 9.1 meters from the ground. And after the war was over, the V-Anne, and you send Mo Hockey. Has returned home to Cleveland, Ohio.As a veteran And a statue set to recall it at Lake Wood. Ohio, sure enough.

5. Mr. Cha stub crush 
   When World War 1 in France stub Bee Dog Pitt Bull mix. Have become the lucky 102, infantry units that go to war at that time.After it the sense of smell and know that it is toxic smoke in the air. It is barking to alert troops of this unit mask and prevented in time.In addition, a liver crush the search and rescue missions. Until he was appointed sergeant in the army said the U.S. Marines. And is the only dog ​​that has served in the military ... should applaud such a waste really.

6. Ha Jin Ko faithful dog. 
   Many people would ever see the movie Ha Jin Ko (Hachiko), created by the true story of "Go-Ha Jin, one of the world's most loyal dog breed Akita. Who will be sitting back waiting for owners who work from Shibuya station in Tokyo every day.But it came on the scene was one of the more dismal. When the owners leave for work as usual. But the fatal heart attack at work and not come back home again.Ha Jin Ko, but still waiting for the owner to return home at the train station day after day. Until the last day of its life.
   Ha Jin's story is impressive to Go around the world. Was built as a movie called the audience to tears every time. And now has a statue of Ha Jin Ko is set to sign at the Shibuya train station.And stand around waiting for the owner that it had in the past as well.


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