french bulldog

Bulldog dogs for about 1860 in England and this dog was much popular culture. Some of these dogs were sent into France. And mixed breed dogs in France. Eventually a French Bulldog dog breed is popular and raised in France, especially women.

1880 Paris is a popular destination for wealthy Americans. The new breed has occurred. They'd want to see with their own eyes. What they find is a French Bulldog dog breed comes from England. In fact, America's influence in the selection of this breed that resembles the French Bulldog is now recognized that the development of the head of Steve Thomas. Jaw is square. The body is compact and the bat-like ears that we see today.
French Bulldog is a breed of small dog weighing over 28 pounds, like the Bulldog is generally thick lips, short nose, broken into the inner ear, eyes bright, the effect is like a bat. No one in this world like a dog barking and threatening what he would. But there is a hostile act like an owner than as a custodian That is friendly to strangers, always will be children, cats and other animals. The playful character. Kids love bright and close to the Pug and Boston Terrier.

Standard varieties.Traits: clever, cheerful, likes to play is always awake.Head: large, shaped like a square. Skull between the ears is relatively flat.The forehead has a slight curve. My cheek muscles distinct.Ears: The ears of bat-like ears, a long base of the ear, round the base of the ear is relatively high.Eyes: Medium size, dark eyes, quite round. I was away from the ears. Not deep or bulging eyes.Bridge of the nose are less clear, making the hole deeper.Mouth: a wide and deep. The wattle and rather thick lips. We do not see a strong jaw shut teeth protrude.Nose: a short nose, wide nose is black or color depending on the color of the hair.Teeth: A strong tackle UNDERSHOT.Body: curvature of the line after a short, rounded shoulders, wide waist is quite small.Neck: a thick round. I call it the Adam's apple puckerChest: wide and deep.Front legs are almost the front leg bones are short. The front leg muscles. Front legs upright front legs as far apart enough. Right front foot and right foot.Stand Back: The back of the leg muscles. The deal between the ankle is low. With a right hind foot. Hind foot, a little bigger.Tail: the base is low. The tail is straight or spiral. Relatively short tail.Hair - Color: short, soft coat with many colors such as white sugar, white sugar, the movie is somewhat wrinkled.Weight: a little less than 22 pounds of weight is about 22-28 pounds.Fault: Ears not like bats, black - white - black, brown eye color is not the same 22 pounds over weight.


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