Labrador Retriever breed is one that is widely popular throughout the world. Golden Retriever dogs are similar to the difference between the length of the hair and muscular body. The Labrador is a hair shorter. A dog that is intelligent fun-loving enthusiasm I squire Species suitable for families with children. There are friendly people.

The Labrador has a competitive advantage in terms of intelligence. It also features the wonderful smell of a Labrador, it is often chosen for use in training officers. The picture shows a police dog or a dog rescue or even to lead the blind.

Labrador breed name comes from the origin of this breed is the Labrador Peninsula in Canada, but the fishermen are using dog Labrador to keep the victim. Species of fish off the hook. The period may be used to shoot wild duck that fell on the cold water extreme.

In the year 2378 has taken the lead dog, Labrador, the fishing boats to shore up the UK. As a result, the developer of the breed as a hunting dog and has been used as a rescue dog and I can move fast even in rough terrain. Or even the areas covered by ice retreat Labrador dog world is well known for his patience, strength is the ability to smell great. The desire to satisfy others as well as dog owners are very playful.

The breeds of dogs, Labrador. 

Labrador has two outer coat and short, straight hair in a tight, soft and protected from the weather's bad hair color is black, yellow or chocolate. Sometimes have white spots on the chest, the tail of the Labrador-like tail of an otter. The base of the tail are thick and taper down to the tip of the tail.

The habit of "Labrador" is a charming and friendly dog ​​breed is the most active and energetic technician training flattering kind and intelligent, can adapt to the environment as well. Friendly with people and other animals, a dog who loves children and likes playing with children. It also has the ability to track and crack down on drugs.

And raising Labrador. 

Lab in a dark room at the stables and a high fence around them. And should we care. Should brush 1-2 times a week walking and jogging in place is not crowded because it is good exercise and Labrador is a dog that is not afraid. Like swimming and water play. If you have time, it should be possible to go swimming in some stores.

For adult dogs that should allow him to walk 30 minutes a day will keep them healthy. While the puppy. It will take time to play all day. I think a Labrador dog house you should have a backyard area. As they ran. They also chew and i dig a big post, too. If you want your garden much the same. The fence that will block the area where you will be allowed to play at Labrador.

In the dog food and Labrador are overweight when older.Which can cause health problems, so care should be taken with food and nutrition intake according to age of the dog and the dog should have a health check every year. And make sure I have a hip bone or cartilage or not. Detected since the beginning. Will be treated better.

Disease often associated with dogs, Labrador. 

Arthritis, hip degeneration (Hip Dysplasia) is a disease that can be found in the dog's (Giant and large breed) were more than 1 in 3 of the disease in dogs is a disease that develop during growth. growth. Bone can be found from 4-12 months.

Rickets A disease that happens to dogs with bone growth is incomplete. The common symptoms that are bent or legs while walking the dog has to be noted that the pins will be rounded to ward off the insecurity caused by several factors such as lack of exercise. In which mature Eating too much than I was sleeping, etc, and as a result. I would lean down. The weight continued to grow. It makes a leg broken in the end.

Prevention is the best dog food does not require much in each meal. By increasing the number of meals may be better. And time with your dog. I ran out to play in bringing a spare. The diet should provide valuable nutrients. Should not be. Mix the rice dish.Consecutive years. Should be interspersed with food. For some dogs. Because those foods contain nutrients more completely.

Thyroid hormone deficiency, the thyroid hormone than normal. And cause various disorders. The expression of the body through the skin. I found this. Dogs will have symptoms such as hair loss around the bottom of the fuselage and the tail of the dog's chest, scalp, most often spread through the body. Pigmented skin may have accumulated. Often found in black. May have a more normal body weight, fatigue, and diseases are found in dogs aged 6-10 years but can be found in dogs younger than 6 years, so if your dog has the symptoms. Your dog's veterinarian to determine the best treatment.

Nervous eye degenerationMay be considered a disease of dogs, Labrador, as the incidence of illness than other varieties.The symptoms of retinal degeneration, there are many kinds.Depending on the area of ​​the retina with the problem. I observed that the dog will have no clear vision in low light. Sparkling eyes and feel normal. Because the pupil expands to allow more light to see the dog may narrow. Must turn back. Or maybe just the thing.Most of the symptoms can not be treated. However, not all of which must be completely blind. The examination must be thorough.

Cataract often happens with dogs from the age of 6 years will see an opaque white cornea. The dog still visible. The more opaque cornea will not be visible. Because light can not pass through the screen. The reason is because of diabetes. Or injured with a wound to the eye, cataract, however, may be found in animals from birth to age 3 years because it was born. For treatment. Should take your dog to the veterinarian. For examination and treatment immediately. If left for long. To make treatment more difficult. And may cause blindness.

Epilepsy is a seizure dog, not a lot of balance and control.Initial revision. Should find a place to stay in his dog in the dark.Will stay until a seizure during the dog was not going to catch the final. It may turn to bite the epilepsy drug may help reduce seizures for less. However, you should discuss the use of veterinary drugs.For the cause of the disease was caused by a parasite in the gut is the key.


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