How to get rid of dog ticks or fleas.

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Which dog house. And find out how to get rid of ticks, fleas, the dog has to say ...
    The first way is to remove the low-sugar apple seed extract. I was soaked in alcohol. Leave it for a while. The grease on the dog after the bath. The towel to dry. Blow dry hair as usual. Ticks, fleas are found to have disappeared.

    Another way is to remove oil, grease paint used vehicles that leave the hair of the dog flea 8-10 hours, or if there are any left day and night. After the dog had a bath, soap, wipe dry. This is no punch left.The dog is a danger of oil to grease them.

Category: 2 comments


Anonymous said...

Informative read about how to get rid of dog ticks,Dog ticks are a fairly common but often overlooked problem in pet care.One of the best way to get rid of ticks is by prevention,ticks thrive in heat and humidity,so assess your pet and his environment frequently.

Thanks & Regards
Dog Health Vitamin

Anonymous said...


Is this good for any breed?

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